About the Journal

The Brazilian Journal of Dental Education is an open and continuous publication of the Brazilian Association of Dental Education. It offers immediate free access to its content. The purpose of the requested registration is to establish the reader's profile.


Novo Nome da Revista Abeno


Dear readers,

We are pleased to announce that the ABENO Journal is now under a new title: Brazilian Journal of Dental Education.

With this change, we are modernizing our identity and expanding our reach to the international dental community. We would like to assure you that all articles previously published in the ABENO Journal will remain available and open access, accessible through the same link: https://revabeno.emnuvens.com.br/.

The transition to the new title will be gradual, and the journal will soon also have a new ISSN.

Access Brazilian Journal Dental Education via the following link: https://revabeno.emnuvens.com.br/brazilianjournaldentaleducation. Your login and password remain the same.

Thank you for your contributions and scientific support!


Read more about Novo Nome da Revista Abeno

Current Issue

Vol. 25 (2025): Continuous flow
Published: 18-02-2025


Experience Report

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