Research Ethics and Integrity
Revista da ABENO requires that manuscripts submitted to it comply with ethical and legal guidelines in the preparation of academic and research works.
When human beings participate as research subjects, even if only in answering questionnaires, interviews and collecting learning assessment data, the provisions of CNS Resolution 466/2012 (http://conselho.saude., being essential the approval of the project by an Ethics Committee recognized by the National Commission of Ethics in Research of the National Health Council (CONEP-CNS), or by an equivalent foreign body, when the study has been performed in another country. This proof must be sent as a supplementary document not made available to the evaluators. In the text, aspects related to obtaining the signature of the TCLE must be explicit.
The Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals criteria of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ( and international standards for research publication are adopted. from the COPE/Committee on Publication Ethics ( Submitted manuscripts are checked for originality in a program to identify plagiarism.