Qualitative research: another path towards knowledge production in dentistry


  • Luiz Carlos Machado Miguel Doutorando em Odontologia em Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Professor do Curso de Odontologia da Universidade da Região de Joinville
  • Calvino Reibnitz Junior Doutorando em Odontologia em Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Professor do Curso de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Marta Lenise do Prado Doutora em Enfermagem, Professora dos Programas de PósGraduação em Enfermagem e em Odontologia, área de concentração Saúde Coletiva, da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina




Dentistry. Education. Research. Qualitative research


This article consists of a reflection on the modes of knowledge production in dentistry and their reflections upon professional education. It points out a necessity for revision, thus pointing out a new path to knowledge production. This article argues in favor of qualitative research as a means to surpass the limitations imposed by the hegemonic model of the quantitative paradigm. Based on a search of databases, it was observed that the amount of qualitative research in dentistry is still very small, although rich in diversity. This study points out the importance of reforming the knowledge production model in dentistry, among other things to comply with the National Curricular Directives that require new methodological approaches and conceptual structures. In addition, this article stresses that, as health care professionals, we are required to produce knowledge and not simply to incorporate and consume it.


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How to Cite

Machado Miguel, L. C., Junior, C. R., & do Prado, M. L. (2007). Qualitative research: another path towards knowledge production in dentistry. Revista Da ABENO, 7(2), 130–134. https://doi.org/10.30979/rev.abeno.v7i2.1392


