Suggestions of changes in classroom programs with on-line education


  • José Manuel Moran Professor Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação pela Universidade de São Paulo.



Education technology. Learning. Education, distance. Curriculum, education.


One of the most important tasks of schools and universities is to make their curriculums more flexible, with integrated and innovative activities for classroom instruction and distance education. The bimodal system – classroom instruction and distance education – is the most promising teaching system at different education levels, particularly at higher education. Universities should make their curriculums more flexible to have 50% of classroom instruction and 50% of distance education. Some areas of knowledge and disciplines could have fewer distance education activities than others. Implementation of this program could be progressive, for a gradual transition from classroom instruction to partial classroom instruction. In a pedagogic view, innovative activities could be carried out in the classroom and in the laboratory with on-line computers, and would be combined with distance activities and activities for professional and experimental insertion. Teachers could take their students to the laboratory, sometimes, to promote activities of research and of mastering of technologies. These activities have broader limits when the Internet is used, which enables reduction of classroom time and continuous distance education. The courses should be organized to allow contact with reality, experimentation and insertion in professional and informal environments in all areas studied and throughout the years studied.


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How to Cite

Moran, J. M. (2005). Suggestions of changes in classroom programs with on-line education. Revista Da ABENO, 5(1), 40–45.


