Challenges in the formation of Dentist to the SUS


  • Isis Maryana Poczapski Grande Universidade Positivo
  • Rayane Prochnow Universidade Positivo
  • Rafaela Saab Universidade Positivo
  • Eduardo Pizzatto



Dental Education. Unified Health System. Family Health.


The curricular changes carried out by Dental Schools, with the inclusion of internships and integrated clinical work, made the challenge of training for the Unified Health System (SUS) possible. However, there are still courses and teachers that value the technical Dentistry, distancing the future professionals of the general practice, which is one of the SUS needs. These curricular changes allowed a privileged learning process, with the promotion and dissemination of health through collective activities in clinical care and  expanded  participation  of  society  in  a  team effort. In this context, curricular modification in undergraduate courses in dentistry is extremely need, but it is known that should be made gradually and steadily, ensuring that the changes implemented are effective and prepare the students for their professional life.


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How to Cite

Poczapski Grande, I. M., Prochnow, R., Saab, R., & Pizzatto, E. (2016). Challenges in the formation of Dentist to the SUS. Revista Da ABENO, 16(3), 2–6.


