Assessment of Burnout syndrome in university teachers


  • Rosana Leal do Prado
  • Mariana Esperendi Bastianini
  • Matheus Zanelato Cavalleri
  • Sandra Fogaça Rosa Ribeiro
  • Eliane Cristina Gava Pizi
  • Juliane Avansini Marsicano



Faculty. Higher Education. Stress, Psychological. Burnout, Professional.


The teaching profession is considered by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as one of the most stressful as it is an activity that involves intense contact between people. Thus, an incidence of elements that lead to burnout syndrome is increasingly evident in these professionals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the burnout syndrome among professors of undergraduate health courses. The teachers at health courses at University of Western Sao Paulo were invited to enroll the research. After they given the written informed consent, it was applied two instruments to data collect. The data were analyzed on a statistical software with Pearson’s correlation at 5% significance level. It was interviewed 72 professors, of whom 48 (66,7%) were male, and 24 (33,3%) were female. According to the dimensions of Burnout Syndrome, the most outstanding was Emotional Exhaustion. The variables that showed significance in the Pearson’s correlation were: the number of courses the professors teach (p = 0.0012) and the number of students with whom they have daily contact (p = 0.0463) within the emotional exhaustion dimension; and age (p = 0.0319) and working time (p = 0.0082) within the dimension of Professional Effectiveness. Results identified a low index in all dimensions, but there was a statistical association between the dimensions of emotional exhaustion and professional efficacy with the sociodemographic variables.


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How to Cite

Leal do Prado, R., Bastianini, M. E., Zanelato Cavalleri, M., Fogaça Rosa Ribeiro, S., Gava Pizi, E. C., & Avansini Marsicano, J. (2017). Assessment of Burnout syndrome in university teachers. Revista Da ABENO, 17(3), 21–29.


