Education-service interaction and the training of general practitioners: the challenge faced by the dentistry course of the UEFS


  • Ana Áurea Alécio de Oliveira Rodrigues
  • Adriano Maia dos Santos
  • Renato Queiroz dos Santos Junior
  • Jamilly de Oliveira Musse
  • Maria Bernadete C. Bené Barbosa
  • Ana Figueiredo Bomfim Matos
  • Fabrício dos Santos Menezes
  • Rodolfo Macedo Cruz Pimenta



Odontology. Human Resources Formation. SUS (Brazilian Health Care System). Curriculum.


This paper discusses the new practices developed in the discipline of Preventive and Social Dentistry I (OPS I) of the UEFS Dentistry Course according to the National Curriculum Guidelines (DCN) for Dentistry Courses and Oral Health Policies of the SUS, in relation to students and professionals of the education and health areas. Using a problematizing approach to the teaching-learning process, curricular internship under teacher guidance has brought students closer to the reality that makes up the Family Health Units (USF). This fact makes it possible for students and professors a) to experience the routine and practice of the health service, b) to carry out actions to promote health with an approach focusing on risk factors or protection against diseases of the mouth and other aggravations, and c) to monitor home visits and activities in health education involving Family Health Teams, oral health and the community. The locus of operation of the Family Health Teams (ESF) has become the area of training of the health professionals, thus allowing students to integrate actions in their services and in the community, thus giving them an understanding of the ESF work process and the importance of knowing the social reality of the population as a determinant of general and oral health. This strategy aims not only at training excellent technicians, but also at training a generalist professional with broad scientific knowledge, who is sensitive, who knows how to care, welcome and listen to patients, and who feels responsible for their health.


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How to Cite

Alécio de Oliveira Rodrigues, A. Áurea, dos Santos, A. M., dos Santos Junior, R. Q., Musse, J. de O., C. Bené Barbosa, M. B., Bomfim Matos, A. F., Menezes, F. dos S., & Cruz Pimenta, R. M. (2008). Education-service interaction and the training of general practitioners: the challenge faced by the dentistry course of the UEFS. Revista Da ABENO, 8(2), 160–166.


