The experience of dental students with ethical dilemmas


  • Lorena Marques da Nóbrega
  • Ítalo de Macedo Bernardino
  • Kevan Guilherme Nóbrega Barbosa
  • Pierre Andrade Pereira de Oliveira
  • Rilva Suely de Castro Cardoso Lucas
  • Sérgio d' Avila Universidade Estadual da Paraíba



Dental, Ethics. Bioethics. Dental, Students.


The university is a privileged space to train people with a look at the reality. In this process, the social, human and ethical issues are evident. In Dentistry, ethical issues are individually established among professionals and patients, and collectively between the professional practice and society. This cross-sectional study evaluated the experience of Dental at a public university with ethical dilemmas experienced during their academic training. We interviewed 64 students who attended the 4th and 5th year of the course. It was observed a slight frequency of males (50.7%), predominantly aged between 19 and 22 years. Among those surveyed, most reported having had contact with the theory of professional ethics during graduation. One quarter of the students interviewed confirmed having gone through a situation ethically conflicting, all considered important the discussion of contents reflecting the bioethics in the curriculum, much of students who reported having experienced any ethical conflict were male and were attending the 5th grade. It was found that ethical dilemmas are perceived and experienced by students even during their academic formation.


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Author Biography

Sérgio d' Avila, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

Departamento de Odontologia

Odontologia em Saúde Coletiva


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How to Cite

Nóbrega, L. M. da, Bernardino, Ítalo de M., Barbosa, K. G. N., Oliveira, P. A. P. de, Lucas, R. S. de C. C., & d’ Avila, S. (2016). The experience of dental students with ethical dilemmas. Revista Da ABENO, 15(4), 10–18.


