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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original, unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in
  • The main document and the metadata (title and abstract) do not contain information that identifies the authors or institution of origin. In the body of the text this information has been replaced by [hidden text].
  • The complete file, with all the information, has been added.
  • If the research involves human beings, even through filling out questionnaires and interviews, it was approved by the Ethics Committee. The CAAE number was mentioned in the methodology and the opinion included as a document.
  • I am aware that manuscripts sent in Portuguese or Spanish languages and accepted for publication must be translated into English.
  • I declare that I agree with the payment of an editing fee of RS 180.00 in case of an editorial decision to accept the manuscript.

Author Guidelines

1 General information

The ABENO Journal publishes subjects related to dental education in the formats of Original Article, Experience Report, Literature Review and Essay. Articles must be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Articles submitted in Portuguese or Spanish must, mandatorily and only after acceptance and final revision, be translated into English. The translation must be carried out by a professional or company specialized in scientific translation, who must provide a statement of responsibility for the work performed. Translation costs are the responsibility of the authors. Articles submitted in English will only be published in this language.

The text of the manuscript must be typed in font Times New Roman, size 12, on an A4 page, with 1.5 spacing, aligned to the left and with a margin of 3 cm on each side, making a total of a maximum of 17 pages, including references, charts, tables and illustrations.

The submission is through the electronic address

All authors and respective e-mail addresses must be registered in the submission's metadata, so that they can receive communications related to the editorial flow.

2 Submission structure

A) Letter to the editor

The letter to the editor is the presentation of the article. It must also inform the contribution of each author to the manuscript, in accordance with the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME), which determine that all authors must meet all of the following conditions: (1) contribute substantially to the design and planning, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2) significantly contribute to drafting or critically reviewing content; and (3) participate in the approval of the final version of the manuscript. Each of these items must be followed by the initials of the authors to which it applies:

Conception and planning of the study.

Collection, analysis and interpretation of data.

Elaboration or revision of the manuscript.

Approval of the final version.

Public responsibility for article content.

This document can also present, if applicable, acknowledgments to institutions that supported the work. There may be mention of people who, although not meeting the authorship criteria, contributed to the study, mentioning the type of contribution.

Finally, the letter to the editor must state that the submitted material is original and is not being considered, in part or in full, by another journal, as well as potential conflicts of interest for the authors.

This document must be signed by all authors.

B) Cover sheet

Must contain:

- Title in Portuguese, Spanish and English, brief and indicative of the exact purpose of the work, with a maximum of 150 characters, including spaces.

- Full name of all authors, with contact e-mail, indication of ORCID registration and a single institution of affiliation, without academic titles. Example: Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo (USP),  Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil.

- Indication of the corresponding author and respective e-mail address.

 C) Text of the article (complete)

 - Title

 Written in Portuguese, Spanish and English, brief and indicative of the exact purpose of the work, with a maximum of 150 characters, including spaces.

 - Abstract

It represents the condensation of the content, exposing methods, results and conclusions, not exceeding 250 words. The abstract must contain:

- Objective(s), Methods, Results and Conclusion, when the article is a research one.

- Objective(s), Article Search Strategy and Conclusion, when the article is a review.

- Objective(s), Experience Report and Final Considerations, when the article is an experience report.

The journal adopts an unstructured abstract format, that is, without subtitles.

At the end of the Abstract, include the Descriptors (maximum 5) that identify the content of the article. For your choice, consult the list of Descriptors in Health Sciences – DeCS at

- Text

The structure of the main text varies according to the type of article:

Review article: Introduction, Literature review (with article search strategy) and Conclusions.

Experience report article: Introduction, Experience report and Final considerations.

Research article: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.

a) Introduction. Should clearly present the objective of the study and its relationship with others in the same line or area. Extensive literature reviews should be avoided and, when possible, replaced by references to the most recent articles, in which certain aspects and revisions have already been presented. The objective should appear in the last paragraph of the introduction.

b) Methods. The description of the methods used must be clear enough to allow the perfect understanding and repetition of the research, not being extensive. Techniques already published, unless they have been modified, should only be cited. If the research involves human beings, even by filling out questionnaires and interviews, the number of ethical approval opinion must be mentioned.

c) Results. Should be presented with as little discussion or personal interpretation as possible, accompanied by tables and/or adequate illustrative material, when necessary. Statistical data must be subjected to appropriate analyses.

d) Discussion. It should be restricted to the meaning of the data obtained, results achieved, existing knowledge, avoiding hypotheses not based on the results.

e) Conclusions. They must be in accordance with the objectives and based on the results of the study.

f) Acknowledgments (if any).

g) References. For citations in the body of the text, the numerical system must be used, in which only the index numbers are indicated in the text in the superscript form and without parentheses (before the period or comma, if any). The citation of authors' names is only allowed when strictly necessary and must be accompanied by the year of publication in parentheses and the index number. All citations must be accompanied by their full reference and all references must be cited in the body of the text. The list of references must follow the order in which they are cited in the text. The list of references must follow the Vancouver Style, as per guidelines published at Abbreviations and titles of journals must be in accordance with PUBMed, Latindex or Portal de Revistas Científicas em Ciências da Saúde The initial character of each fragment must be written in capital letters and only the last fragment must be followed by a period. Example: Rev Assoc Med Bras.

The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) must be quoted when available. Digital documents without DOI must be followed by the date of citation and the address of the web page. Examples:

Norman GR, Schmidt HG. The psychological basis of problem-based learning: a review of the evidence. Acad Med.1992;67:557-65.

Brasil.  Resolução  CNE/CES  nº  3,  de  21  de junho  de  2021.  Institui as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do curso de graduação em Odontologia e dá outras providências.  [cited August 24, 2021]. Available from:

The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the authors.

D) Text without identification elements

This is a version of the main text to be sent to reviewers. Information identifying the authors or institution of origin must be replaced by [hidden text].

E) Tables

Tables must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, being presented on separate pages in an editable supplementary document (Word). The respective captions should be concise and located above the table. They must be formatted in accordance with the technical specifications, style formatting not being accepted.

F) Illustrations

Illustrations (graphs, charts, drawings, schemes, photographs, etc.) must be limited to the essential minimum, presented in separate files and consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals. The respective captions should be concise, located below and preceded by the corresponding number. Photographs must be provided in *tif or *jpg format files, minimum size 10 x 15 cm and minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Photographs in Word or Power Point will not be accepted. The other illustrations must be submitted as an editable Word document. Places in the text for insertion of illustrations must be indicated.

G) Ethical approval opinion

If the research involves human beings, even by completing questionnaires and interviews, the original opinion (PDF file) of approval by the Ethics Committee must be presented.

It is strongly suggested that authors check the formatting of articles already published in the current edition.


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