Knowledge and attitudes of dentists in the public health system of Pelotas-RS regarding child maltreatment


  • Giulia Tarquinio Demarco Programa de Pós-Graduação. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Ivam da Silva-Júnior
  • Marina Sousa Azevedo Programa de Pós-graduação em Odontologia/Universidade Federal de Pelotas



Child Abuse, Violence, Forensic Dentistry, Education, Dental.


The present study aimed to identify and analyze the knowledge and attitudes of dentists in the public health system in Pelotas-RS regarding child maltreatment (CM). Data were collected through semi-structured questionnaire. Sociodemographic information, work-related data and knowledge and attitudes of dentists were collected. Descriptive statistical analysis and associations between independent variables and knowledge and attitudes of dentists were performed using Fisher's Exact Test and Chi-Square Test (p<0.05). Of the 45 dentists included in the sample, more than half reported that they had never received information on the subject, 71.1% understood the dentist’s responsibility in the identification of suspicious cases, 50% were unable to inform about the legal implication of the lack of notification and 86.7% believed that the doctor or nurse should be notified so that they can take action. It was observed that 60% of professionals never suspected a case of CM and 25% of those who suspected took action. There was statistical association between the dentist’s responsibility and gender and the time since graduation, between correct attitude towards a suspicious case and postgraduate degree and also between legal implication with age and time since graduation. Knowledge and attitudes of dentists about CM were better among younger professionals, females, with less time since graduation, having or attending some postgraduate course. Dentists know their importance towards this violence, but they show difficulties regarding attitudes that they should take.


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How to Cite

Demarco, G. T., Silva-Júnior, I. da, & Azevedo, M. S. (2021). Knowledge and attitudes of dentists in the public health system of Pelotas-RS regarding child maltreatment. Revista Da ABENO, 21(1), 1077.


