Coronavirus disease 2019: emerging challenges and Brazilian dental education
COVID-19. Coronavirus infections. Infection Control. Dentistry. Dental Education.Abstract
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) emerged in China in late 2019, spreading rapidly to more than 216 countries. Due to the characteristics of the dental environments and procedures, there is a greater risk of cross-infection between the oral health team and the users of this service. For dental offices, dental schools, and their associated hospitals, located in areas (potentially) affected by COVID-19, rigorous and effective infection control protocols have being urgently developed by the competent regulatory agencies, both nationally and internationally. In addition, the pandemic had an immediate and dramatic impact on dental education, as institutions are now facing the challenge of reorganizing their infrastructure and teaching methods to face the possible consequences of this new reality, preserving and fostering continuous progress future professionals. In this sense, the objective of this study is to present important information related to the new acute respiratory syndrome caused by coronavirus-2 and its impact on Dentistry, addressing the main biosafety guidelines that must be adopted in clinical care, as well as discussing changes in Brazilian dental education. against the COVID-19 pandemic.Downloads
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