Oral health advocating a planetary health
a reflexive report
Health Education, Health Team, Primary Health Care, Environmental Health, Sustainable Development IndicatorsAbstract
This experience report aims to bring to reflection all the actors involved in the field of public health, especially oral health teams, on their actions and challenges in face of global changes. Realities of the last two years (2020-2021) have shown to be challenging for primary health care teams, which have focused on coping with COVID-19 and maintained clinical care, delivering the population's needs in continuity. In this scenario, the oral health team was able to transcend its technical core activities to join the front of the fight against the Sars-Cov-2 virus, and it also brought topics related to public health to be discussed and recognized/known by everyone who interacts in this first level of health care, whether users, internship students, or other co-workers. The pandemic has become the focus for the dental surgeon and his team to assume a leading role in planetary health. The influence of social determinants, the devastation of the environment and its implications, the broad population mobilizations and migrations, as well as the repercussions of international trade and linear economy on planetary health are not routine topics and refer to an important reflection in this period of international crisis. Apparently small actions taken by the team, such as turning off the light of empty workplaces, properly selecting dry garbage, or opting for healthy snacks proved to be relevant attitudes. These small achievements after moments of collective reflection carry the potential for great transformations necessary for a healthier world for all.
Descriptors: Health Education, Environmental Health, Patient Care Team, Primary Health Care, Sustainable Development Indicators.
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