Healthcare students’ knowledge about biosafety and prevention of COVID-19


  • Rafaela Martins de Farias Tuiuti University of Paraná
  • Liliane Roskamp Tuiuti University of Paraná
  • Patricia Maria Forte Rauli Pequeno Príncipe Hospital and University
  • Isabela Roskamp Sunye Tuiuti University of Paraná
  • Allan Abuabara Joinville Municipal Authority
  • Flares Baratto-Filho University of the Region of Joinville
  • Natanael Henrique Ribeiro Mattos Tuiuti University of Paraná
  • Maria Carolina Botelho Pires de Campos Tuiuti University of Paraná
  • Camila Paiva Perin Tuiuti University of Paraná



Coronavirus Infections, Health Personnel, Containment of Biohazards, Dentistry, Surveys and Questionnaires, Education Dental


Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, people all over the world had to interrupt their face-to-face interactions. Health professionals were most affected, as they were at the forefront of combating this disease. Biosecurity measures had to be re-doubled to prevent the spread of the virus and thus help control the pandemic. Procedures in dentistry that generated aerosols were avoided, as saliva is one of the means of COVID-19 transmission. Complementary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was required to ensure protection, and environmental disinfection protocols had been modified. Thus, to assess the level of knowledge about biosafety and these new changes, particularly regarding COVID19, a questionnaire was published for the community related to health courses in the city of Curitiba (PR, Brazil). This study included 159 students (dentistry, 107 (67.3%); medicine, 28 (17.6%); biomedicine, 17 (10.7%); and nursing, seven (4.4%)). Approximately 63.55% of dentistry, 100% of medicine, 64.71% of biomedical, and 85.71% of nursing students believe that undergraduate students are unprepared to provide urgent care to COVID-19 patients. Despite all the guidance on biosafety, students in healthcare must still develop skills in correct procedures for caring for patients with or without communicable diseases.


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Author Biographies

Rafaela Martins de Farias, Tuiuti University of Paraná

Dental Student, Tuiuti University of Paraná (UTP), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.

Liliane Roskamp, Tuiuti University of Paraná

Professor, Ph.D., Tuiuti University of Paraná (UTP), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.

Patricia Maria Forte Rauli, Pequeno Príncipe Hospital and University

Director, Pequeno Príncipe Hospital and University, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.

Isabela Roskamp Sunye, Tuiuti University of Paraná

Dental Student, Tuiuti University of Paraná (UTP), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.

Allan Abuabara, Joinville Municipal Authority

D.D.S, Joinville Municipal Authority, Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Flares Baratto-Filho, University of the Region of Joinville

Professor, Ph.D., University of the Region of Joinville (Univille).

Natanael Henrique Ribeiro Mattos, Tuiuti University of Paraná

Professor, Ph.D., Tuiuti University of Paraná (UTP), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.

Maria Carolina Botelho Pires de Campos, Tuiuti University of Paraná

Professor, Ph.D., Tuiuti University of Paraná (UTP), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.

Camila Paiva Perin, Tuiuti University of Paraná

Professor, Ph.D., Tuiuti University of Paraná (UTP), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Farias, R. M. de, Roskamp, L., Rauli, P. M. F., Sunye, I. R., Abuabara, A., Baratto-Filho, F., Mattos, N. H. R., Campos, M. C. B. P. de, & Perin, C. P. (2022). Healthcare students’ knowledge about biosafety and prevention of COVID-19. Revista Da ABENO, 22(2), 1862 .


