Multiple evaluations for continuous learning: an experience report


  • Pedro Henrique Sette-de-Souza Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (Campus Araruna), Universidade de Pernambuco (Campus Arcoverde)
  • Andrea Cristina Barbosa da Silva Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (Campus Araruna)



Dental Education. Educational Measurement. Higher Education.


Changes in the paradigms of dental education are need to allow that student takes greater responsibility for their learning process. However, these changes in education strategies are not accepted by most of the professors, who prefer specific procedural assessments, more punishing than forming their students. This study sought to explain the importance of evaluation as a process through an experience report in which diversification of evaluative instruments of a curricular component was used in Dental Couse, State University of Paraiba, Campus VIII (UEPB / Araruna). Different evaluation instruments (learning immediate checks – VIA’s, learning portfolios, theoretical evaluation and seminar) were used throught the semester. So, students could be evaluated both in a timely manner, as well as in a procedural way. All evaluations were worth from 00.0 to 100.0, having different weights to compose the final grade. A descriptive analysis of the grades of portfolios and VIA's were calculated and the paired t-test (α = 5%) was used to compare means the class for each unit in the theoretical tests and final score. The grades of students increased over the period, in all evaluations. The average test scores increased 12.0 points (p = 0.030) and 21.0 points for final units’ scores (p <0.001). This experience indicates the importance of the evaluation of understanding as a continuous process and not just as a mere date to be fulfilled in the academic calendar.


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How to Cite

Sette-de-Souza, P. H., & Barbosa da Silva, A. C. (2016). Multiple evaluations for continuous learning: an experience report. Revista Da ABENO, 16(4), 79–84.


