Scientific production in Endodontics at the Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Dental Research: bibliometric analysis from 2010 to 2018


  • Marilisa Carneiro Leão Gabardo Universidade Positivo
  • Felipe Andretta Copelli Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Alini Lisboa Tuzzi Universidade Positivo
  • Graciele Trentin Universidade Positivo
  • Jacqueline Lima Universidade Positivo
  • Flávia Sens Fagundes Tomazinho Universidade Positivo
  • Yara Teresinha Correa Silva Sousa Universidade de Ribeirão Preto



Research. Dentistry. Endodontics.


The annual meeting of the Brazilian Society of Dental Research (Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica - SBPqO) is an important event of dental scientific production in the country. The evaluation of the profile of the presented research can identify characteristics and the evolution of Endodontics research. Through retrospective bibliometric analysis, meeting supplements from 2010 to 2018 were investigated to determine the scientific production in the area of Endodontics in SBPqO. The supplements were accessed online, via the institution's website, and the abstracts were analyzed according to region of origin: North, Northeast, Midwest, South and Southeast; and thematic categories: Therapeutics, Anatomy, Biosafety, Microbiology, Cytology/Genetics, Diagnosis, Epidemiology, Materials, Techniques, Instruments, Trauma and Clinical Outcome. Of the 22,310 abstracts published in the period, 2516 were selected from the Endodontics area. In 2010 there was the largest number of published abstracts (n = 375). Prevailed the research focused on the analysis of materials (27.1%) and techniques (20.6%). The Southeast and South regions presented summary frequencies with values of 65.5% and 17.2%, respectively, while the lowest participation was from the North region (2.5%). The frequency of Endodontic research published in SBPqO supplement remained balanced over the analyzed period, with emphasis on objectives focused on materials and techniques, and higher productivity in the Southeast and South.


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How to Cite

Gabardo, M. C. L., Copelli, F. A., Tuzzi, A. L., Trentin, G., Lima, J., Tomazinho, F. S. F., & Sousa, Y. T. C. S. (2019). Scientific production in Endodontics at the Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Dental Research: bibliometric analysis from 2010 to 2018. Revista Da ABENO, 19(3), 144–152.


