Training and work of dental surgeons in the European Union




Education, Higher. Dentistry. European Union. Work.


The aim of the study is to present the current situation of Dentistry in the European Union, with regard to the training, international mobility of dentists, professional regulation and dental specialties. In order to do so, a documental analysis and review of the literature was carried out. Only scientific articles published in full, in Portuguese or English, from 2009 to 2018, that were related to the research topic were included. The search for the articles was carried out in the SciELO, LILACS and PubMed databases, through the combination of the descriptors: “Work”, “Dentistry”, “Higher Education”, “European Union”. The study showed that the European Union has in one legislation rules that regulate the mobility of dentists, although the issue of the language seems to be an obstacle to such circulation. Furthermore, the harmonization of the formation of Dentistry was agreed among members of the bloc. In this sense, the European Union sends messages to MERCOSUL, group in which Brazil is a member. The absorption by MERCOSUL of the successful experiences and outcomes already found by the European Union is somehow interesting and necessary, in a matter of higher education and the mobility of dentists, considering the peculiarities that compose it.


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How to Cite

Cardoso, A. L., Rendeiro, M. M. P., Queiróz, C. da S., Souza, F. N. de, & Ribeiro, R. de C. L. (2020). Training and work of dental surgeons in the European Union. Revista Da ABENO, 20(1), 102–112.


