Impact of COVID-19 in residency in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Federal District Public Health System


  • Glaucia Nize Martins Santos University of Brasília
  • Helbert Eustáquio Cardoso da Silva University of Brasília
  • Hugo César Pinto Caracas Base Hospital Institute of Federal District
  • Nilce Santos de Melo University of Brasília


Palabras clave:

Education, Dentistry, Surgery, Oral, Coronavirus Infections, Internship and Residency.


With the social isolation resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, the residency in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Federal District Public Health System adapted to maintain the attendance and course schedule. Theoretical classes migrated to online and there was an abrupt change in practical activities, such as the reduction in elective care and new biosafety protocols.  The objective of this research was to understand the impact of the pandemic on the residency, including the analysis of perception and the level of satisfaction of the participants regarding online classes and practical activities, analysis of the number and type of surgeries performed in 2020 and residents' attitudes aimed for professional career, through Likert type questionnaires. Only half of the tutors and less than half of the residents were motivated to use the virtual teaching environment. In addition, the number of surgeries was reduced by more than 40%. In addition, half of the residents responded that they do not feel capable to resolve unexpected events related to their training and that they are not confident in making decisions regarding their professional career. COVID-19 will continue to have a greater impact on surgical practice, so hospitals should develop a detailed contingency plan, including for pandemics and schools should permanently incorporate options of complementary remote activities in their curriculum.


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Biografía del autor/a

Glaucia Nize Martins Santos, University of Brasília

Dentistry Department, Faculty of Health Sciences.

Helbert Eustáquio Cardoso da Silva, University of Brasília

Dentistry Department, Faculty of Health Sciences.

Nilce Santos de Melo, University of Brasília

Dentistry Department, Faculty of Health Sciences.


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Cómo citar

Santos, G. N. M., Silva, H. E. C. da, Caracas, H. C. P., & Melo, N. S. de. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 in residency in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Federal District Public Health System. Revista Da ABENO, 21(1), 1266.


