Flow chart for the prescription of imaging examinations by dental students


  • Pedro Luiz de Carvalho Professor Doutor da Disciplina de Imaginologia Dento-MaxiloFacial do Departamento de Odontologia da Universidade de Taubaté.
  • João Marcelo Ferreira de Medeiros Professor Doutor da Disciplina de Endodontia do Departamento de Odontologia da Universidade de Taubaté.
  • Mônica Cristina Camargo Antoniazzi Professora Doutora da Disciplina de Imaginologia Dento-Maxilo-Facial do Departamento de Odontologia da Universidade de Taubaté.
  • Rosana Giovanni Pires Clemente Professora Mestra da Disciplina de Matemática Aplicada do Departamento de Economia, Contabilidade e Administração da Universidade de Taubaté.



Palabras clave:

Education, dental. Students, dental. Radiography. Radiography, dental


The purpose of this work was to present a flow chart that could guide undergraduate dental students in prescribing imaging examinations for specific situations, beginning with the simpler examinations and then moving to the more complex ones. The flow chart consists of the following imaging examinations: periapical, bite-wing, occlusal, localization technique, panoramic, extraoral, conventional tomography, and the sophisticated ones, involving computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, and nuclear medicine examinations. In order to test the effectiveness of the flow chart, we used 21 second-year students, during one of the bimonthly evaluations in the year 2005, from the Dentistry Department, University of Taubaté. It was observed that periapical examinations were the most suggested, 239 times, and the second most indicated was panoramic radiography, 120 times. The effect of the examinations on diagnosing the clinical condition was: 325 examinations (59.52%) produced a positive impact; 146 (26.74%) examinations only detected the clinical condition, but did not allow the establishment of a diagnosis; and 75 (13.74%) did not produce an image of the clinical condition. Based on the applied methodology and on the obtained results, it could be concluded that: the presented flow chart helped students to prescribe imaging examinations in specific dental cases; the flow chart reduced the possibility of errors while prescribing examinations; and the flow chart had a positive impact, i.e., it aided in the recording of the clinical conditions.


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Cómo citar

de Carvalho, P. L., Ferreira de Medeiros, J. M., Camargo Antoniazzi, M. C., & Pires Clemente, R. G. (2007). Flow chart for the prescription of imaging examinations by dental students. Revista Da ABENO, 7(2), 104–111. https://doi.org/10.30979/rev.abeno.v7i2.1386


