The competence to act in the specialized care in oral health care
Oral Health. Education. Competency-based Education. Curriculum. Dental Education.Abstract
The aim of this study was to broaden the understanding of the role of the protocols in the production of an "act jurisdiction" to specialized care in oral health care. The methodological approach used qualitative and quantitative data. An online questionnaire with 32 questions structured into five thematic blocks was applied to the trainees to respond anonymously. Themes and components analyzers were systematized as: protocols, internship field, distance education activities and educational methods. Quantitative data were analyzed by frequency of closed answers. In relation to the open questions the objective was to analyze them deeply to achieve a sense, not only the text content. The results showed that the experience of learning-service integration is providing a meaningful learning about the operation of networks of specialized dental care and in the development of skills for solving problems. The modification of the specialized dental care protocols is a constant experience lived by the trainees in the fields of internship. The experience aspects with greater potential of either political or pedagogical innovation were the fields of management, mentoring and distance education. However they also exhibited the greatest weakness.
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