Use of Facebook as a pedagogical tool for university education

student adherence and reactions


  • Antonio Adilson Soares de Lima
  • Sérgio Adriane Bezerra de Moura
  • Ângela Fernandes
  • Melissa Rodrigues de Araujo
  • Maria Ângela Naval Machado
  • Sandramara Scandelari Kusano de Paula Soares



Teaching, Teaching Materials, Education, Higher, Social Networking.


This study aimed to analyze Facebook's use as a pedagogical tool for teaching didactics for graduate students in Dentistry. Seventy-two adult students participated in this study. These students attended theoretical classes, developed practical activities by Facebook, and evaluated the course through a questionnaire. Tasks were analyzed concerning the following criteria: time to respond to assignments and whether they have been finished or not. Additionally, post type and students' reactions to posts were also evaluated. Forty-three (59.8%) students have considered Facebook as a good pedagogical resource. Only 5 (22%) students answered that they had some difficulty in responding to the assignments of the course through Facebook. Most students completed their tasks through Facebook. However, in general, most students only fulfilled the assignments close to the deadline. The main reactions of the students were likes and comments. Despite its limitations, Facebook seems to be a great pedagogical resource to be inserted in post-graduate education. In addition, the students still show little participation even being in the virtual environment of Facebook.


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How to Cite

Lima, A. A. S. de, Moura, S. A. B. de, Fernandes, Ângela, Araujo, M. R. de, Machado, M. Ângela N., & Soares, S. S. K. de P. (2021). Use of Facebook as a pedagogical tool for university education: student adherence and reactions. Revista Da ABENO, 21(1), 1525.


