Experience report in teaching Dentistry based on active teaching-learning methodologies

gamification and ludic practices


  • Sarah Teixeira Costa Centro Universitário Presidente Tancredo de Almeida Neves (UNIPTAN) https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5417-9112
  • Diogo de Azevedo Miranda Centro Universitário Presidente Tancredo de Almeida Neves (UNIPTAN) /Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e da Saúde de Juiz de Fora – SUPREMA




Education, Active Learning, Dentistry, Operative Dentistry.


The aim of this study  was to demonstrate a teaching-learning process of a ludic nature and student engagement, in a dental graduation course, at a time when the transition in the teaching of subjects is taking place. The basic cycle will be highlighted  by walking through the laboratory environment. Even the clinical care of patients will be considered beyond the level of mere technical training. In higher education, learning fragmented by subjects and areas of specialization prevails, and there is no  connection between laboratory and clinical purposes. The application of two tools, with the contribution of  Active Methods of Teaching and Learning (AMTL), became a report of successful teaching experience in Dentistry, namely: (1) three-dimensional demonstration of the formation of cavities with accessible materials, based on painting the cavity walls and angles of plaster macromodels with gouache paint, representing intracoronal and partial extracoronal (onlay) preparations; and (2) gamification, by means of projecting the images of puzzle of different types of cavity preparations. The use of resources based on the AMTL has shown promising results, by interconnecting areas of teaching dentistry, seen as dichotomous, theoretical and practical, basic and clinical teaching, as well as promoting the awakening, adherence and development of students’ manual skills.


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How to Cite

Costa, S. T., & Miranda, D. de A. (2021). Experience report in teaching Dentistry based on active teaching-learning methodologies: gamification and ludic practices . Revista Da ABENO, 21(1), 1527. https://doi.org/10.30979/revabeno.v21i1.1527


