Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and the clinical and sexual practices of dental students


  • Vanessa Benigno Mota Aguiar Federal University of Piauí
  • Sérgio Lobão Veras Barros Federal University of Piauí
  • Karinna Alves Amorim Sousa Federal University of Piauí
  • Jessyara Brian dos Santos Rego Federal University of Piauí
  • Nádia Maria Pires Silva Federal University of Piauí
  • Telma Maria Evangelista Araújo Federal University of Piauí
  • Simone Souza Lobão Veras Barros Federal University of Piauí



HIV, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Students, Dental, Knowledge


The aim of the study was to assess knowledge of HIV/AIDS and the clinical and sexual practices of dental students. This was a cross-sectional study in which a self-administered questionnaire about age, gender, and dental program term; knowledge of HIV/AIDS transmission and prevention; use of personal protective equipment; prevention and occurrence of accidental exposure to biological material; post-exposure conduct; and sexual behavior was answered by dental students (n = 148, answer rate of 91.9%). Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses (chi-square and Fisher's exact tests) were performed, at a significance level of 5%. Students correctly recognized the routes of HIV transmission, including “blood” (100%), “sexual.3%). Regarding frequency of condom use during sexual intercourse, 37% of dental students said “always,” 55.5% “sometimes” and 7.6% “never”. Regarding clinical practices, 99.3% of dental students said they used personal protective equipment, 28.4% had intercourse” (99.3%), “vertical transmission” (58.1%) and “sharing contaminated material” (94.6%), and ways of prevention, including “condom use” (100%) and “not sharing needles and syringes” (99suffered percutaneous injuries, the needle was the most cited exposure agent (32.5%) and in most cases (54.8%), no providences were taken after the accident. In conclusion, the students had good knowledge of HIV / AIDS and appropriate preventive attitudes in clinical care and handling of sharp instruments; however, they still need to be motivated with regard to condom use and oriented about care after accidental exposure to biological material.


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Author Biographies

Vanessa Benigno Mota Aguiar, Federal University of Piauí

MSc, Graduate Program in Dentistry, Federal University of Piauí.

Sérgio Lobão Veras Barros, Federal University of Piauí

MSc, Graduate Program in Dentistry, Federal University of Piauí.

Karinna Alves Amorim Sousa, Federal University of Piauí

PhD, Graduate Program in Nursing, Federal University of Piauí.

Jessyara Brian dos Santos Rego, Federal University of Piauí

Student, Graduate Program in Dentistry, Federal University of Piauí.

Nádia Maria Pires Silva, Federal University of Piauí

Undergraduate Student, College of Dentistry, Federal University of Piauí.

Telma Maria Evangelista Araújo, Federal University of Piauí

Associate Professor, Graduate Program in Nursing, Federal University of Piauí.

Simone Souza Lobão Veras Barros, Federal University of Piauí

Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Dental Clinic, Federal University of Piauí.


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How to Cite

Aguiar, V. B. M., Barros, S. L. V., Sousa, K. A. A., Rego, J. B. dos S., Silva, N. M. P., Araújo, T. M. E., & Barros, S. S. L. V. (2022). Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and the clinical and sexual practices of dental students. Revista Da ABENO, 22(2), 1546.


