Three hundred method in the discipline of physiology in the Dentistry course

collaborative learning


  • Jéssica Gomes Alcoforado de Melo
  • Priscylla Gonçalves Correia Leite de Marcelos
  • Diego Moura Soares Faculdade Pernambucana de Saúde



Learning, Education, Dental, Students, Dental.


Three Hundred is a teaching and learning method that seeks to awaken the eyes of the student towards the colleague with learning difficulties, promoting collaboration between students. The objective of this work is to report the application of the Three Hundred method in the discipline of physiology and to compare the performance of students before and after the method. Thirteen students participated in the study and were divided, by lot, into 3 groups. The groups were composed of one student who had above-average grades in a previous assessment and 3 or 4 students who had below-average grades. These groups met in extra classes twice a week for three weeks. In these meetings, students with higher averages helped others in activities that were directed by the discipline's teacher. At the end of the meetings, a new evaluation was carried out. The data were tabulated and analyzed using SPSS version 16. It was found that all students were able to increase their averages compared to the grades of the first assessment. Thus, it is concluded that the method can have benefits in the performance of students, as well as stimulate collaborative learning. 


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Author Biography

Diego Moura Soares, Faculdade Pernambucana de Saúde

Especialista em Morfologia - UFRN

Especialista em Periodontia - ABO/PE

Mestre em Saúde Coletiva - UFRN

Doutor em Clínica Integrada - UFPE


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How to Cite

Melo, J. G. A. de, Marcelos, P. G. C. L. de, & Soares, D. M. (2021). Three hundred method in the discipline of physiology in the Dentistry course: collaborative learning. Revista Da ABENO, 21(1), 1574.


