Internship in dentistry at the Family Health Strategy in Petrópolis/RJ

challenges and opportunities in the pandemic


  • claudia Botelho de oliveira UNIFASE
  • Norma de S. Thiago Pontes UNIFASE



Public Health, Unified Health System, Oral Health, In-Service Training


Pursuant to the National Curriculum Guidelines of undergraduate healthcare courses, several work integrated learning experiences have been developed in the country, aiming to achieve professional training with an emphasis on the humanization of practices, focused on the principles and guidelines of the Unified Health System (SUS). This way, integrating general and specific knowledge, intending to develop theoretical and practical skills, as well as ethical and reflexive values, the Arthur Sá Earp Neto University's Odontology course curriculum framework contemplates four semesters of the "Vocational Training in Communitarian Health Practice" subject, lectured in Family Health Units at the city of Petrópolis/RJ. This case report describes the way the internship activities adjusted to the challenges presented by the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic. Initially, the field practices were suspended and the course had its remote teaching load expanded. However, in August/2020, following biosafety protocols and necessary adjustments, practical activities were resumed and the students returned to the field, having to adapt to the care practices demanded by the new circumstances. Despite the challenges, that did not halt the execution of excellent jobs, such as building reflexive portfolios, developing intervention projects, health educational activities using digital tools, and the development of community therapy projects. Under the supervision of their teachers, the students, preceptors, and other healthcare professionals shared a meaningful experience, which increased creativity, enthusiasm, and effectiveness on their developed work according to the reality of their respective territory.


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Author Biographies

claudia Botelho de oliveira, UNIFASE

Master Degree in Telehealth, teacher, Curricular Internship Discipline in the Community Health Practice, Dentistry Course, UNIFASE. 

Norma de S. Thiago Pontes, UNIFASE

Master Degree in Collective Health, coordinator of the Curricular Internship in Community Health Practice, Dentistry Course, /UNIFASE.


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How to Cite

oliveira, claudia B. de, & Pontes, N. de S. T. (2022). Internship in dentistry at the Family Health Strategy in Petrópolis/RJ: challenges and opportunities in the pandemic. Revista Da ABENO, 22(2), 1662.



Formação no SUS: integração da saúde coletiva com a clínica