Health promotion by Dentistry students in the COVID-19 pandemic

experience report


  • Thaúsi Frota Sá Nogueira Neves Souza Continuing Education Center - NEP SAMUFor-192
  • Nicolle Medeiros Fernandes Gomes University of Fortaleza
  • Amanda Duarte Vidal University of Fortaleza
  • Ana Karisy Rios Teixeira University of Fortaleza
  • Brena Goncalves de Andrade University of Fortaleza
  • Larissa Maria Oliveira Abreu University of Fortaleza
  • Cinthia Nara Gadelha Teixeira University of Fortaleza



Health Promotion, Pandemic, Dentistry


Dentistry is a specialty in the health area that requires developing and refining technical skills. However, linked to this characteristic, there is a need for a more complex view of each context in which dentists will exercise their functions. This paper describes the experience of five students from the Extramural Internship of the Dentistry course at UNIFOR, held in the second half of 2020, during the pandemic of Coronavirus Disease (COVID)-19. The activities were developed weekly, on Fridays, in the morning shift, from 7:30 am to 11:10 am, in the various waiting rooms in the Medical Care Center Integrated (NAMI). The Extramural Internship (EEM) actions used simple and dynamic methodologies, valued the subjects’ knowledge and subjectivities; urged the participants to reflect on their choices, contributing to the autonomy of health care for those involved in this process. Thus, it was noticed that the EEM contributed significantly to the awareness of oral health self-care and general health of patients, providing health promotion activities which explored creativity, instigated the power of perception, and playfully contributed to the analysis of the reality in which they are inserted.


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Author Biographies

Thaúsi Frota Sá Nogueira Neves Souza, Continuing Education Center - NEP SAMUFor-192

Master in Physiological Sciences, Educator at the e Continuing Education Center - NEP SAMUFor-192.

Nicolle Medeiros Fernandes Gomes, University of Fortaleza

Scholar of the Dentistry Course. University of Fortaleza.

Amanda Duarte Vidal, University of Fortaleza

Scholar of the Dentistry Course. University of Fortaleza.

Ana Karisy Rios Teixeira, University of Fortaleza

Scholar of the Dentistry Course. University of Fortaleza.

Brena Goncalves de Andrade, University of Fortaleza

Scholar of the Dentistry Course. University of Fortaleza.

Larissa Maria Oliveira Abreu, University of Fortaleza

Scholar of the Dentistry Course. University of Fortaleza.

Cinthia Nara Gadelha Teixeira, University of Fortaleza

PhD in Dentistry, Professor, University of Fortaleza.


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How to Cite

Souza, T. F. S. N. N., Gomes, N. M. F. ., Vidal, A. D., Teixeira, . A. K. R., Andrade, . B. G. de, Abreu, L. M. O., & Gadelha Teixeira, . C. N. . (2022). Health promotion by Dentistry students in the COVID-19 pandemic: experience report. Revista Da ABENO, 22(2), 1680.



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