Interprofessional Community Internship in Dental Student Education

experience report of the Federal University of Goiás


  • Maria Goretti Queiroz Federal University of Goiás
  • Leandro Brambilla Martorell Federal University of Goiás
  • Lidia Moraes Ribeiro Jordão Federal University of Goiás
  • Natália Alberto Alves Brandão Marques Federal University of Goiás
  • Bárbara Souza Rocha Federal University of Goiás
  • Ida Helena Carvalho Francescantonio Menezes Federal University of Goiás



Education Dental, Interprofessional Education, Interdisciplinary Placement, Primary Health Care, Community Dentistry


The Unified Health System (SUS) in Brazil is a powerful scenario for action and a field of interprofessional education, particularly with regard to supervised internships. This experience report (ER) describes the structure of the interprofessional community internship (ICI) at the Federal University of Goiás from the perspective of dental education. The article is based on the experiences and reflections of the authors and subjects of the ER: the faculty of each study program (Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, and Nutrition) and the coordinator for the integration of teaching, service, and community on the campus where the internship takes place. The pedagogical projects and teaching plans of the participating programs, the evaluation workshops during the internship, and the community internship manual were also consulted. The ICI context, the learning process in interprofessional dental student education, the sustainability of the internship, and the potential of informal learning are presented and discussed. The historical advances made during the ICI and the means by which such changes in the perspective of education and interprofessional practice are fostered, as well as the potential points of development of the internship to ensure the holistic education of dental students in terms of collaborative skills, are considered


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Author Biographies

Maria Goretti Queiroz, Federal University of Goiás

Professor, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Goiás.

Leandro Brambilla Martorell, Federal University of Goiás

Professor, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Goiás.

Lidia Moraes Ribeiro Jordão, Federal University of Goiás

Professor, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Goiás.

Natália Alberto Alves Brandão Marques, Federal University of Goiás

Coordinator of the teaching-service integration of the ECI, Campus Firminópolis, Federal University of Goiás.

Bárbara Souza Rocha, Federal University of Goiás

Professor, School of Nursing, Federal University of Goiás.

Ida Helena Carvalho Francescantonio Menezes, Federal University of Goiás

Professor, School of Nutrition, Federal University of Goiás.


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How to Cite

Queiroz, M. G., Martorell, L. B., Jordão, L. M. R., Marques, N. A. A. B., Rocha, . B. S. ., & Menezes, I. H. C. F. (2022). Interprofessional Community Internship in Dental Student Education: experience report of the Federal University of Goiás. Revista Da ABENO, 22(2), 1689.



Formação no SUS: integração da saúde coletiva com a clínica