Integration of the Oral Health Promotion 3 discipline to the Family Clinic and the Dentistry training-associated domain


  • Paulini Malfei de Carvalho Centro Universitário São José
  • Armando Hayassy Centro Universitário São José
  • Luciene Deluca Ferreira Ferraz Armando Palhares Aguinaga Family Clinic
  • Felipe Rocha dos Santos Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Francisco José dos Santos Martins Program Coordination Study Center 5.1



Professional Training, Public Health, Oral Health, Family Health


The report on the present experience is based on reorienting teaching and learning practices and scenarios in the discipline of Oral Health Promotion 3 of the undergraduate Dentistry course of the Centro Universitário São José (São José University Center), aimed at a contextualized approach to the domain, integrated to Family Clinic, and oriented toward oral health promotion and to the needs of the population. It aimed to encourage student trainees toward a critical-thinking perspective, encompassing health as social production, and acknowledging the impacts of the Social Determinants of Health on the oral health care process. By integrating the discipline into the routine of the activities developed by the Clínica da Família Armando Palhares Aguinaga (Armando Palhares Aguinaga Family Clinic) in the 5.1 program, Dentistry training has enabled exchange of knowledge and experiences among students, patients (seen as subjects), teacher, outreach health workers, and professionals of the clinic, bringing the process of teaching social dynamics and the needs of the domain closer together.


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Author Biography

Paulini Malfei de Carvalho, Centro Universitário São José

Assistant Professor, School of Health, Centro Universitário São José.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, P. M. de, Hayassy, A., Ferraz, L. D. F., Santos, F. R. dos, & Martins, F. J. dos S. (2022). Integration of the Oral Health Promotion 3 discipline to the Family Clinic and the Dentistry training-associated domain. Revista Da ABENO, 22(2), 1708.



Formação no SUS: integração da saúde coletiva com a clínica