Discrimination and prejudice

topics that require extensive debate in the training of healthcare professionals


  • Claudia Nice Bach Vale do Taquari University
  • Amanda Zorzan Vale do Taquari University
  • Caroline Muller Vale do Taquari University
  • Juliana Bianchini Vale do Taquari University
  • Andreas Rados Vale do Taquari University
  • Maurício Fernando Nunes Teixeira Vale do Taquari University




Social Discrimination, Prejudice, Health Human Resource Training, Training Support, Education Dental


Curriculum subjects related to Human and Social Sciences are important to the development of skills that will build the abilities related to the behavior of graduates. From the beginning of training, the Univates Dentistry course addresses themes related to discrimination and prejudice in an integrated
way in its curriculum. This academic project features reports of four students during their internships, aiming to identify, recognize and discuss issues related to prejudice and discrimination in the development of the internship, presenting the challenges encountered in this process. Through subjective reports it is possible to understand the different paths that graduation students go through, and the expansion of opportunities to get in touch with these themes. In the reports, the students describe many learning activities applied during the course that later were used in situations experienced in the internships. Acting, relevant paper reading, challenges proposed in the CBL (Challenge Based Learning), production of overviews and reports and participation in conferences are some of the important references in the care of specific populations such as indigenous people, immigrants, people with black skin, convicted people with electronic anklets, transsexuals and individuals with special needs. These experiences are often only possible due to the presence of students in the public health and care systems. The internship expands the student service experiences, contributing for a more humanized and real graduation. The contact of students with different realities is beneficial for the development of new perspectives from the content learned theoretically and, when combined, can build up to a more humanized graduation.


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Author Biographies

Claudia Nice Bach, Vale do Taquari University

Graduate in Dentistry, Vale do Taquari University.

Amanda Zorzan, Vale do Taquari University

Graduate in Dentistry, Vale do Taquari University.

Caroline Muller, Vale do Taquari University

Graduate in Dentistry, Vale do Taquari University.

Juliana Bianchini, Vale do Taquari University

Graduate in Dentistry, Vale do Taquari University.

Andreas Rados, Vale do Taquari University

Master degree in Community Oral Health, Vale do Taquari University.

Maurício Fernando Nunes Teixeira, Vale do Taquari University

Doctor degree in Community Oral Health, Vale do Taquari University.


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How to Cite

Nice Bach, C. ., Zorzan, A., Muller, C., Bianchini, J., Rados, A., & Teixeira, M. F. N. (2022). Discrimination and prejudice: topics that require extensive debate in the training of healthcare professionals. Revista Da ABENO, 22(2), 1729. https://doi.org/10.30979/revabeno.v22i2.1729



Formação no SUS: integração da saúde coletiva com a clínica