Knowledge of Dentistry students about prescription and use of drugs
Therapeutics, Drug Prescriptions, DentistryAbstract
This study aimed to analyze the knowledge of 335 dentistry students about prescription and use of drugs. The participants were divided into two groups: Group I - composed of 136 students in the last period/semester of the Dentistry course and Group II - composed of 199 students who had recently completed the discipline of Pharmacology/Therapeutics Applied to Dentistry (second semester of graduation). Students answered a questionnaire with 19 closed questions divided into three blocks of interest, Block A (5 questions about their academic background); Block B (4 questions about legislation and drug prescription) and Block C (10 questions about common prescription in cases of increased risk due to comorbidities in Dentistry). The instrument was validated after the application of three pilot studies in 60 volunteer students who had recently completed the Pharmacology/Therapeutics Applied to Dentistry discipline. The results allowed classifying the level of knowledge as bad, moderate, good or excellent according to the stratification adopted by the authors. Most of the students interviewed were female, 22 years old. According to the results, 70% of the participants stated that the duration of the Pharmacology/Therapeutics Applied to Dentistry course was insufficient for them to feel safe when prescribing medications. The data presented showed that in block “B” only 19% of the students knew who was responsible for the prescription document. Additionally, 57% identified the mandatory items on an antimicrobial prescription. The successful rate of block "C" showed that the participants presented reasonable knowledge of most of the questions related to indication and prescription of medication both in regular and risky situations in Dentistry. The student’s average knowledge regarding the indication and prescription of drugs reveals a problem in academic qualification related to drug therapy. It also highlights the need for continuing education of dental surgeons.
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