Problem based learning as a pedagogical practice apllied to freeschman in Dental course




Problem Based Learning. Pedagogical Practices. Dentistry.


The difficulty presented by health professionals when the beginning of the exercise of their profession has been reduced with the use of different methodological practices during their training, as Problem Based Learning, known as PBL. This study adopts the PBL as an extension activity for students entering in the Dental course. Real clinical and hypothetical cases are presented with the aim of rescuing the contents of the curriculum and gradually add the use of specific terms and the development of the ability to manage behavior.  The cases were presented in two sessions, where each group elaborated a diagnosis, identify the multidisciplinary concepts present and to be acquired. In the course of practice, cases were discussed and diagnoses were proposed, as well as the clinical meetings allowed to practice leadership and team interaction. We conclude that the PBL pedagogical practice, used since the beginning of Dental course, helps to form a student with a different profile, more capable of learning specific subjects and safer to act in the labor market.


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How to Cite

Pinto, M. L., Mistro, F. Z., & Uemura, S. T. (2016). Problem based learning as a pedagogical practice apllied to freeschman in Dental course. Revista Da ABENO, 16(3), 28–35.


