The problem-based learning method in Dental Radiology


  • Neiandro dos Santos Galvão Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba - FOP/UNICAMP
  • Sergio Lins de-Azevedo-Vaz
  • Matheus Lima Oliveira



Problem-Based Learning. Dentistry. Radiology. Teaching.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the opinion of dental students about their experience with the problem-based learning (PBL) method in the Dental Radiology discipline. A total of 138 students participated in this study, out of which 104 were females (75.20%). The sample was mostly composed of students between 19-20 years old (39.59%, n = 56) from public schools (62.19%, n = 86) and with monthly income between R$ 4,501.00 and R$ 9,500.00 (22.79%, n = 32). When they were asked about the PBL method, 127 (92.00%) considered positive the experience with new teaching-learning methods and 129 (93.53%) were not aware of the PBL method. The results also showed that 123 students (89.05%) believed that shyness can negatively affect learning in the PBL method and 113 (82.14%) agreed that the professor has a discrete role. After the exams, 108 students (78.49%) were not satisfied with their grade and 105 (76.38%) would not appreciate to study in an institution in which the PBL was applied in all disciplines. As a conclusion, the students who participated in this study had difficulties with the PBL method and were not fully satisfied when participating in activities with such a format. These findings can be explained by the particular approach of the contents in the PBL method, further the evaluation criteria involving skills and competencies. These are indicators that go beyond cognitive knowledge and which the students are not used to consider.


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Author Biography

Neiandro dos Santos Galvão, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba - FOP/UNICAMP

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How to Cite

Galvão, N. dos S., de-Azevedo-Vaz, S. L., & Oliveira, M. L. (2016). The problem-based learning method in Dental Radiology. Revista Da ABENO, 16(4), 72–78.


