Characterization of the curricular component Dentistry for Patients with Special Needs in the Dental courses of the state of Paraíba


  • Elizandra Silva Penha UFCG
  • Danilo Almeida Tenório UFCG
  • Fátima Roneiva Alves Fonseca UFCG
  • Gymenna Maria Tenório Guênes UFCG
  • Erik Montagna FMABC



Education, Dental. Disabled Persons. Dental Care for Disabled.


The regulatory standards of the specialization in Dentistry for Patients with Special Needs emerged through the resolution 25/2002 of the Federal Council of Dentistry. According to the Law 9394/96, the courses of graduate have a scientific-didactic autonomy to establish their curricular program. Thus, the Course of Dentistry for Patients with Special Needs (DPSN) may or may not be present in the curricular matrix of Dentistry courses. The objective of the research was to characterize the discipline of DPSN in the Dentistry courses of the state of Paraíba. This is a cross-sectional quantitative study. A questionnaire was produced, and information was collected through the official website of educational institutions. From 11 courses, it was possible to collect information of 9. In 6 of them the discipline was present, and the nomenclature varied from one college to another. The course offer was compulsory in 100% of the courses and in 5 the presentation was theoretical / clinical, only 1 did not include information. Two courses provided the discipline in the 8th and 9th semester and the average time load of all subjects was 62.2 hours. In 50% the subjects had connections with others disciplines and in 60% they worked independently. Thus, it was concluded that most of the dentistry courses in the state of Paraíba offer the discipline of DPSN in their curricular matrices. There is not a standard nomenclature, time load and course offer semester.


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How to Cite

Penha, E. S., Tenório, D. A., Fonseca, F. R. A., Guênes, G. M. T., & Montagna, E. (2018). Characterization of the curricular component Dentistry for Patients with Special Needs in the Dental courses of the state of Paraíba. Revista Da ABENO, 18(2), 13–19.


