Evaluation of methods for maintaining sterility of the extracted human dental organ during storage in a tooth bank


  • Luciana Stadler Demenech Universidade Positivo
  • Flávia Sens Fagundes Tomazinho Universidade Positivo
  • Paulo Henrique Tomazinho Universidade Positivo
  • Marilisa Carneiro Leão Gabardo Universidade Positivo
  • Flares Baratto-Filho Universidade Positivo




Dentistry. Biosecurity. Sterilization. Tooth. Microbiological Techniques.


The importance of a human teeth bank in an institution is justified and it is advantageous, since it allows the maximum approximation of reality when working with the extracted organ. This study aimed to evaluate methods for maintaining the sterility of extracted human teeth during storage. A total of 72 human incisors extracted in the undergraduate and graduate clinics of Universidade Positivo (Curitiba, PR, Brazil) were used in this study. The teeth were provided by patients, who signed a donation form. After all teeth were subjected to cleaning and disinfection procedures, 36 teeth were autoclaved as well. Teeth were then stored in various solutions for periods of 15 and 120 days. Microbiological tests were conducted to determine which method or storage promoted maintenance of sterility. Better results were obtained for teeth - including autoclaved teeth - stored in Incidin Extra N®, formaldehyde, and alcohol. The solutions analyzed over the proposed time periods have been shown to prevent microbial growth. Results of this study will aid in developing a protocol of processing for extracted human dental teeth to be stored in a tooth bank.


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How to Cite

Demenech, L. S., Tomazinho, F. S. F., Tomazinho, P. H., Gabardo, M. C. L., & Baratto-Filho, F. (2017). Evaluation of methods for maintaining sterility of the extracted human dental organ during storage in a tooth bank. Revista Da ABENO, 17(3), 55–65. https://doi.org/10.30979/rev.abeno.v17i3.427


