The Expanded Clinic as a Geriatric care and teaching tool


  • Raquel Kaufmann Carniel
  • Mariel Aquino Goulart
  • Aline Blaya Martins
  • Renato José De Marchi
  • Andreas Rucks Varvaki Rados Centro Universitário UNIVATES



Expanded Clinic. Teaching Care Integration Services. Geriatrics. Education, Higher. Staff Development


Population aging is a universal characteristic, occurring even in Brazil. Facing the challenges to the Unified Health System and its professionals, it seems necessary to reflect on the time and opportunity of the Clinic Expansion. This study aims to report the experience of integration between education, health services, and community, through the construction of the subject Geriatric Dentistry Internship. Since the creation of the night-shift Dentistry course, the teachers have sought alternatives to the night-shift internship, since the long-term institution for the elderly and the Health Units of the Porto Alegre’s Care Network, that receive day course trainees, do not perform care to elderly after 6:30 PM. Thus, teachers, municipal managers and two Family Health Teams (FHT) participated in conversation circles to structure the internship to the nocturnal course, aiming to work with the students besides knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Theoretical activities, workshops on the Elderly Global Assessment and also home visits were agreed. The elderly were visited in their context and accompanied by FHT professionals. The preceptory groups were carried out for planning the Singular Therapeutic Projects for and with the elderly who were visited, from the problematization of their living conditions. Since the results already obtained by reports and observations, we believe in the potential of the this for construction of a new Dental paradigm, related to the expansion of the clinic and interdisciplinarity.


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How to Cite

Carniel, R. K., Goulart, M. A., Martins, A. B., De Marchi, R. J., & Rados, A. R. V. (2018). The Expanded Clinic as a Geriatric care and teaching tool. Revista Da ABENO, 17(4), 99–107.



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