The valuation of the Supervised Internship in the Family Health Unit by the Dental students: what factors influence their perception?


  • Pedro Augusto Thiene Leme Dentista Clínico Geral, concursado na carreira Profissional de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão - PAEPE - pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP).
  • Marcelo de Castro Meneghim FOP-Unicamp
  • Antonio Carlos Pereira FOP-Unicamp
  • Karine Laura Cortellazzi FOP-Unicamp
  • Glaucia Maria Bovi Ambrosano FOP-Unicamp
  • Fábio Luiz Mialhe FOP-Unicamp



Education, Dental. Staff Development. Unified Health System. Family Health.


The extramural stage is an essential pedagogical strategy used to train the health professions to foster a more comprehensive and socially responsible practice, especially when developed in real public service scenarios. These experiences are not always well accepted by students, so exploring the factors that interfere with this assessment may be useful to improve this activity. The objective of the present study was to explore which students' perceptions influence the assessment regarding the importance of the internship in Family Health Units in their professional training. A total of 185 students who completed their internship during their final years participated in the research. Data were obtained through electronic forms composed of questions about the functioning and working conditions in the units (independent variables) and by the importance attributed to the stage (dependent variable). The students who perceived lack of consumption material (OR = 2.17, CI = 1.20 - 4.00), cleaning and sanitation were incompatible with the provision of health services (OR = 7.69, = 2.32 - 25.00) and the lack of satisfactory answers from the health team staff to patients (OR = 4.34, CI = 1.63-11.11) were more likely to consider the experience as non-important. We concluded that infrastructural problems and aporias of daily services seem to influence in a negative evaluation of the stage by the students, pointing out the need for a more significant support of the faculty to turn this reading of reality into important pedagogical products to the students.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Augusto Thiene Leme, Dentista Clínico Geral, concursado na carreira Profissional de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão - PAEPE - pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP).

Dentista clínico, mestre e doutor em odontologia/saúde coletiva. Afinidade e alguma experiência com pesquisa qualitativa.

Interesse por saúde bucal coletiva, clínica ampliada.

Marcelo de Castro Meneghim, FOP-Unicamp

Docente FOP-Unicamp. Odontologia Social.

Antonio Carlos Pereira, FOP-Unicamp

Docente FOP-Unicamp. Odontologia Social

Karine Laura Cortellazzi, FOP-Unicamp

Docente FOP-Unicamp. Odontologia Social

Glaucia Maria Bovi Ambrosano, FOP-Unicamp

Docente FOP-Unicamp. Odontologia Social

Fábio Luiz Mialhe, FOP-Unicamp

Docente FOP-Unicamp. Odontologia Social


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How to Cite

Leme, P. A. T., Meneghim, M. de C., Pereira, A. C., Cortellazzi, K. L., Ambrosano, G. M. B., & Mialhe, F. L. (2018). The valuation of the Supervised Internship in the Family Health Unit by the Dental students: what factors influence their perception?. Revista Da ABENO, 17(4), 183–192.



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