Implantation of software to control the sterilization department of the Dental School of Positivo University


  • Sabrina Rodrigues Silva Universidade Positivo
  • Keli Gilliet Universidade Positivo
  • Paula Porto Spada Universidade Positivo
  • Tatiana Miranda Deliberador Universidade Positivo
  • Denise Piotto Leonardi Universidade Positivo
  • Flares Baratto-Filho Universidade Positivo
  • Aline Monise Sebastiani Universidade Positivo
  • Rafaela Scariot Universidade Positivo



Sterilization. Schools. Exposure to Biological Agents. Software Validation.


This study aims to describe a method for controlling the sterilization of materials used by dentistry students and to compare its efficiency against the former control method. A software was developed by the Information Technology Management Department at the Positivo University, motivated by an internal demand to improve the sterilizing department control. The new method allows the placement of labels with bar codes on the external surface of the students’ boxes, controls the entire entrance-and-exit flow of materials and provides greater safety and agility for the sterilization process. Furthermore, the system allows professors to access the list of materials sterilized by students, and the date, time, and number of the autoclave in which the material was sterilized. Questionnaires including subjective questions about the new and former method of control were administered to final-year dentistry students to evaluate their satisfaction toward the methods. The new method decreases delays in patient care and the number of damaged and lost materials, increases safety, and reduces the time spent in material drop-off and withdrawal (p <0.05). Generally, the new method is considered better when compared to the former one (p <0.001). Therefore, we can conclude that the method implemented to control sterilization resulted in greater student satisfaction and provided greater safety.


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How to Cite

Silva, S. R., Gilliet, K., Spada, P. P., Deliberador, T. M., Leonardi, D. P., Baratto-Filho, F., Sebastiani, A. M., & Scariot, R. (2018). Implantation of software to control the sterilization department of the Dental School of Positivo University. Revista Da ABENO, 18(3), 53–61.


