Perception of dental professors about the use of human teeth as an educational resource in pre-clinical activities




Education, Dental. Tooth. Faculty, Dental.


The present study aimed to assess the dental professor perception in relation to the use of extracted human teeth and artificial teeth in pre-clinical activities. A questionnaire was used with objective and subjective questions applied to professors of dental surgeons from the Dentistry Course Centro Universitário de Anápolis - UniEVANGÉLICA. Of the 50 professors who met the eligibility criteria, a response rate of 76% was obtained. The average length of time for professors to graduate is 20 ± 9.7 years and the average teaching time is 17 ± 10.5 years. When asked whether human teeth should be used as educational resources, the majority (89.4%) answered yes, and concerning the acquisition of psychomotor skills by students, 68.4% believe that human teeth are more advantageous. He mentioned the disadvantage of using aspects related to biosafety (36.8%), difficulty in obtaining teeth (21%), risks of commercialization (15.7%), and ethical aspects (15.7%). Most dental professors in the evaluated course understand that the use of human teeth in pre-clinical activities has greater pedagogical potential, in addition to favoring the development of motor skills compared to the use of artificial teeth.


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How to Cite

Silva, I. B. da, Ferreira, T. T., Silva, E. G. F. da, Barros, A. B. A., Franco, L. L. M. M., Silva, B. S. de F., Carvalho, R. B. de, & Martorell, L. B. (2020). Perception of dental professors about the use of human teeth as an educational resource in pre-clinical activities. Revista Da ABENO, 20(2), 57–63.


