The seven wisdoms necessary for an education of the future and for the planning of health care actions: some reflections and confluences


  • Iris do Céu Clara Costa Professora Doutora do Departamento de Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


Palabras clave:

Curriculum. Guidelines. Competency-based education.


Aiming at understanding the difficulties involved in planning health care actions, the authors sought to identify and understand the existing correlations between the curricular guidelines for dental undergraduation courses in the health area, with all the abilities and competencies that the student should acquire, and the seven wisdoms necessary for an education of the future as stated by Edgar Morin.8 It was possible to establish clear relations between these apparently distinct subjects, but with so many things in common, as well as to identify the gaps in both subjects and ways to bridge them. Considering that students reflect their professors, it was possible to conclude that there is an urgent necessity to rewrite curriculums and, at the same time, invest in the qualification of professors, key-elements of any change, whose outdated and, at times, divergent training will not allow a complete curricular reform.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.


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Cómo citar

Clara Costa, I. do C. (2007). The seven wisdoms necessary for an education of the future and for the planning of health care actions: some reflections and confluences. Revista Da ABENO, 7(2), 122–129.


