Development and evaluation of a learning object focused on factors that might interfere on the radiographic image


  • Mísia Radesca Álvares Imgärtchen
  • Renata Graziotin-Soares
  • Diego Machado Ardenghi
  • Vania Regina Camargo Fontanella


Palabras clave:

Dental Education. Information and Communication Technologies. Learning Objects. Dental Radiology.


Considering the difficulties to obtain good quality dental radiographic images taken by dental students, this study aimed to develop and to evaluate a Learning Object (LO), where the student is able to use a computer to simulate radiograph expositions, modifying the factors that interfere with the radiographic image quality.  This study was exploratory and descriptive. For that, 48 periapical radiographs were obtained from the posterior region of a dried bone human jaw with different combinations of kVp/mA, film speed, focal distance, and time of exposition. Each radiograph received a “label” according to the factors used and also with a comment making a value judgment regarding its quality, its applicability for the diagnosis, and, if necessary, suggestions or questions about the required adjustments. In the LO screen students could simulate different situations (combination of factors) until obtaining the best result.  Dental students (n=64) were divided into two groups. During the first week both groups participated in a theoretical lecture, and, subsequently, answered a test/assessment on the subject. In the following week Group 1 students solved practical exercises related to the subject, in the laboratory, and answered a second test/assessment. Students from Group 2 performed the activity with the LO in the laboratory. At the end of the activity, they also answered the test/assessment, and an open-ended questionnaire to evaluate the activity. At week-3 the same activities from the week before were repeated, reversing the classes, and, then, a third test/assessment was applied. Statistical tests showed that there were no statistical differences in the groups’ performance in any of the different moments of the evaluation. The use of the LO did not improved significantly the frequency of students’ correctness (number of correct responses) in the tests/assessments. However, the LO methodology was considered very good, because, according to the participants, it was a tool that stimulates learning. The use of the LO, in addition to the practical exercises, contributed to the learning process on the factors that might interfere on the radiographic image. 


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Cómo citar

Imgärtchen, M. R. Álvares, Graziotin-Soares, R., Ardenghi, D. M., & Fontanella, V. R. C. (2016). Development and evaluation of a learning object focused on factors that might interfere on the radiographic image. Revista Da ABENO, 16(4), 114–124.


