The importance of class


  • Luiz Roberto Augusto Noro Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



Learning, Faculty, Teaching, Education.


Learning gives human beings a privileged position in guiding the world and history, which requires the teacher to have an appropriate stance to this demand. Coherent with this premise, the aim of this study was to reflect about the relevance of class as a teacher’s strategy to develop student learning. Class was understood as a specific scheduled time in which information is expressed by a teacher to a class of students in a school. For this, autobiographical narrative was chosen considering the experiences in which the author himself is the protagonist. Reports of experiences allowed observing the limitation of the class as a learning space, whether by excessive authoritarianism from the teacher as the great protagonist of the process, or the lack of motivation by students in building knowledge in this educational space. Therefore, it is urgent that the classes be transformed into living spaces, influencing a positive eagerness in students, conceived by teachers who are not just in school, but participating in the students’ lives, contributing to the construction of a greater learning environment, as well as to the achievements and the uncertainties, seeking ways to respect the contradictory, sharing doubts and discovering possibilities, only possible for human minds.


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Author Biography

Luiz Roberto Augusto Noro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Departamento de Odontologia


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How to Cite

Noro, L. R. A. (2016). The importance of class. Revista Da ABENO, 15(4), 91–99.


