Knowledge, understanding and attitude of the professor in relation to the informed consent and autonomy of the patient


  • Daniela Sens Nunes Acadêmica do Curso de Odontologia da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Bolsista PIBIC
  • Fernando Fernandes Professor Assistente do Departamento de Odontologia da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa.


Palabras clave:

Personal autonomy. Bioethics. Informed consent. Ethics, dental. Liability, legal.


One fundamental problem in the relationship between professional and patient is the decision-making process, principally when it comes to the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that will be applied. Obtaining the patient’s informed consent before any procedure is carried out is a requirement that should be observed. In accordance with the principle of autonomy, every person is entitled to choose what he/ she wants or does not want for himself/herself. The absence of the informed consent term can mean disrespect to this basic right. It is therefore madatory to analyse the knowledge, understanding, and attitude of the professor regarding the use of the informed consent term and the patient’s autonomy in the clinical disciplines of the Dentistry Course. A questionnaire with 12 closed questions, type “yes” or “no”, was given to each of the 42 professors of the course; 24 of them answered it. The percentile analysis of the answers demonstrated that 95.8% knew what the informed consent term is and were aware of the importance of its use. To the question “Would you know how to write an informed consent term?”, 58.3% of the sample answered yes. The answers also showed that 67% of the interviewees were aware of the ethical-legal implications of not using the informed consent term. However, only 25% of the them knew the Principle of Autonomy, and only half of these (12.5%) practiced it. The average professor of the course demonstrated knowledge and understanding regarding the Informed Consent Term, though his/her attitude was compromised as the Principle of Autonomy was not fully put into practice.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.


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Cómo citar

Nunes, D. S., & Fernandes, F. (2006). Knowledge, understanding and attitude of the professor in relation to the informed consent and autonomy of the patient. Revista Da ABENO, 6(1), 11–19.


